The $6 Early Doubles at 4pm are pretty much the lowest level of tourney that I play when I play the slate. They usually end up in the lull between the noonish and evening tourneys. That is except when I play them on Sundays. Since on Sundays the afternoon tourneys are kinda blended together with the double-deuce, I just threw these two onto my slate to give me a couple more to play. The multi-entry FTOPS was on aswell and I was only able to secure one bullet for the $129 so I didn't have much to play. I busted from a few tourneys in gross fashion and by around 730 I was left with just the Early Double B. I had squeezed into the money with about 10bbs and before I knew it, it was down to 80 and I had doubled up a couple times. I picked my spots well and won a few races and was chip leader when it was down to 18. I turned on the recorder and knew that if I got anything less than 1st I would be pissed. I played well and was able to adjust to how weak the field was. These players were doing some really bad things. They included:
- calling any pf raise in the blinds and donk leading every flop then folding to a raise
- 4x raising for half their stack and folding
- limping with 8bbs and folding to a min raise
- open shoving 40bbs KQo and showing it
AND- all of this happened when we were down to the "best" 18 of the tournament. I picked my spots great and was able to have the chip lead with 8 left at the final table. We saw players bust out, waiting til they had 5bbs to finally call off a raise with J8o. It was so bad I dare not explain it all. I had made a video but it again was too big for youtube. Finally after messing with the weaknesses of the players and doubling people up a lot. I got headsup with a really weak player down 1.9m to 1.1m in chips. I was using my button to play most hands by 2.5x raising or limping (since he never raised a limp). He was using his to 3-4x raise and fold quite a bit. I got caught 3 barrel bluffing once and was down pretty low. After getting just below his stack I button raised to 90k (3x) and he made it 245k. I shoved with AJo and he snap called with a5o (never good here and I had never 4bet yet) He showed A5o.
I never once thought of making a deal with this mutt. He was so bad that I should win that 9 out of 10 times. I did get lucky to get to that point - enough luck that I think it made up for me running below expectation for the day. $879....kinda ridiculous considering the extra $550 he takes for first after winning the 30-70 but I have done it many times to people before. Again, I leave some money on the table. This is not something big to report about but a nice little boost to the bankroll and will keep me moving forward and gathering some momentum for the rest of the month. I am certain my good play will become more evident late in tourneys. Glad to turn a min cash into something. Back at it tonight - maybe tomorrow morning. Either way. I love that I get to do this for work right now :)
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