Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Win the 12pm on FT -$5056 - New Beginning

Yesterday was a kind of exciting day for me. I decided to step out of my normal routine and play the daytime tourneys which I have had good success with in previous experiences. Since being backed, Starting Oct 1. I have not had a ton of success but since I am so conservative with my game selection and I was not buying into as big of tournaments as expected, I had been thinking of getting out of being backed all together. What kind of sense does it make to be backed when I am playing tournaments that I can easily afford to buy-in to myself? It doesn't! So with backing the way it was going I was only making money every little while and when I did, since I am such a nit about what tourneys I play, I was splitting small cashes. Since I didn't want to get stuck in huge in makeup if I had a bad run, It just made sense for me to go on my own and I was just waiting to get the $800 or so I was short in makeup back so that I could just go on my own. Yesterday I was able to do that and took down the $26 12pm 19.5k Gaurenteed on Full Tilt for $5056. Winning that much was nice, the sad part was that I had to give $2115 of that away in backing money. As my final act being a staked player, I was able to transfer back all the makeup and some profit and give myself a small stake to start up with again on Full Tilt and PokerStars.

So with my new bankroll set, I am setting myself structure for the summer.
  • Only play the most profitable tournaments
  • Play a lot of volume in tourneys $26 and less
  • Play all the small stake tourneys like the MSOP on FT 
  • Play the best events in the FTOPs
  • Focus on each tournament like it is the only one
  • Hit the forums and read more strategy
  • Leave Cash games alone for a little while til my roll is up
  • Qualify for everything
  • Keep good records 
  • Make $25k profit before September 1st.
To start my Bankrolls are as such.

PokerStars: $397.56
Full Tilt $1707.17

I am going to attempt to turn this into a successful micro/small stakes grinding session for the summer and see if I can hit a couple decents scores. I am finding the european players that play when it is morning for us to be pretty weak. I am going to play the daytimes for the most part and maybe some of the weak stuff on some nights. I hope to play every Sunday because the value cannot be beat then.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday Tourneys

Had a pretty good little day at the tables. Got 125th in the 750k on FT for $630 after losing with 12 bbs and QQ to a button min raise i ship and he called with KQo and won. Finished 4th in the 630 Headsup tourney for $430ish and played really well to win 6 matches in a row. finally got 35th in the 800 $26 for $114 after running a pretty good bluff i thought that was called down. First Sunday playing everything in awhile and was profitable.

Going to attempt to play a lot this week - though hopefully after the family goes to bed